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Learn how to manage your account and business data

30 articles
Manage WhatsApp Numbers on BusinessChat platform.Get started with the WhatsApp Numbers page.
Managing workspacesAdd users to more than one workspace. Get started with BusinessChat's workspaces feature!
Conversation access permissions
How to reset your account password?Learn how to reset your account password.
How to deactivate a user account?Learn how to deactivate BusinessChat users.
How to assign a billing role to a user?Learn how to assign/remove billing role to/from users
How to change your password?
Opt-out from automatic assignment by enabling Watching Mode
How can I change my profile name?
How consumption above my monthly free conversations limit will be charged?We give you 1,000 conversations per month for free. This article explains how we handle charging above that limit
How can I change my profile picture?
How to change the display language of BusinessChat platform?Learn how to choose the BusinessChat account language.
Business Time ZoneLearn how to set/update your BusinessChat account time zone.
How to change my notifications settings?
How does BusinessChat delivers notifications?
Manage topics to use them in conversationsTopics can be used to mark your customer's conversation by its topic, filtering customers into categories.
Force adding topics to conversations
Adding users to the platformAdd users to manage your work.
How to Obtain Your Business ID?