This article will describe the WhatsApp marketing usage template and how you can use it across the BusinessChat platform.
This article will include the following:
Template goal.
Template components.
The template uses in BusinessChat.
Let's Start 👌!
Marketing templates are templates that you can use in launching outbound campaigns.
Outbound Campaigns
marketing templates must be assigned in the Message step while launching a new outbound campaign.
Header | Body | Footer | Interactive buttons |
Optional | Mandatory | Mandatory | Optional |
Header (optional)
Headers are optional and can include the following types of media.
Text (up to 60 characters, can consist of 1 custom field).
Body (required)
Body content is required and is a text field only. Bodies can contain 1024 characters and be registered as plain text or text with placeholders; they can be stylized and contain emojis.
Footer (mandatory)
Marketing Footer is a mandatory text field that can't be edited. The marketing templates footer must include the Opt-out message. Mainly Footers can contain up to 60 characters.
Opt-out Footer
It allows recipients to unsubscribe from receiving more notifications from your business number instead of reporting your number as spam or blocking you. This will prevent your number's quality rating from turning into low-quality, keeping your number in connected status.
Interactive Buttons (optional)
Buttons are two types: Quick reply & Call-to-action; Template can contain one type only.
Quick replies - You can have up to three quick reply buttons per template: predefined answers and flexible payload.
Call-to-action - You can have up to two buttons per message, one for each action. Supported actions are calling a call phone number and visiting a website.
Button label - The text that your customers will see.
Type of URL - Marketing templates has only dynamic URL.
URL - The link your customer will go to by clicking this button.
💡 Tip
Take a look at other templates' usages.