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Win-back Automation

Get started with win-back automation.

Updated over a week ago

Win-back automation is a feature that helps businesses reconnect with customers who haven't made a purchase recently. It sends personalized messages to encourage them to come back and buy, possibly including special offers or discounts.

By identifying inactive customers and sending them customized messages, businesses can reignite their interest, remind them of positive experiences, and motivate them to make a new purchase.

Before running a win-back automation, you must:

How to create win-back automation?

Click the win-back card on the Automation page.

The automation flow

Coupon setup

Select a suggested coupon or customize your own, then click save & continue.

💡 Tip

Discount coupon 🏷️

Read more about Salla's ecommerce platform dynamic coupon.

Read more about Zid's ecommerce platform dynamic coupon.

Read more about Shopify's ecommerce platform dynamic coupon.

Configure the trigger

Set up the number of days you want to wait before re-engaging with your customers. This specifies how many days have passed since the customer placed their latest order.

Trigger filters

You can use trigger filters, such as the customer's last order amount, to target the right people with your messages. This lets you create multiple automations with different coupons and filters, sending the most relevant content to different customer groups. See Triggers & filters.

Send Message Template

The automation can be up to three steps; the first step is an immediate template message, while the second and third optional steps contain Delay & Template Message.

  • Delay: the time your customers will delay before receiving the template.

  • Template Message: the message will be sent to the customers when the delay ends.

Click Setup, choose one of the delay options, then select a template message.

💡 Tip

You only need to set up the first-step card. The additional steps are optional for further customization across the customer journey inside this automation.

Please review your automation steps. Once you finish, you can set your automation to Live or save it as a Draft.

💡 Tip

Automation with pending templates will be set to pending status. Once all templates are approved, we will set the automation to live, and you will receive an email.

Win Back Automation Terms

The automation conditions and your contact's behavior are based on these conditions:

  • Trigger Conditions

    • The contact has had no orders since the selected number of days.

    • The contact is not active in cart abandonment automation.

    • The contact did not opt out of the business messages.

  • Exit Conditions

    • The contact opted out of the business messages during the automation.

    • The contact has started a new cart abandonment automation.

    • The contact has created a new order while the automation is running &

      The order conversion is not attributed to this campaign.

  • Conversion Conditions

    • The contact has created a new order while the automation is running &
      The order conversion is attributed to this campaign.

  • Completed Conditions

    • The contact has completed the automation to the last step.

    • The contact has converted, and the conversion is attributed to this campaign.

Once your automation is live, you can track your automation performance. 📊

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