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Inbox: Admin Guide

This comprehensive guide covers all aspects of the chat inbox, where your employees interact with customers, and performance reports

Updated over a week ago

Inbox: Admin Guide

The chat inbox is where your employees interact with your customers to answer all their questions.

In this chapter, you will find the following sections:

  1. General settings

  2. Adding users

  3. Creating teams

  4. Creating conversation topics

  5. Creating saved replies

  6. Sending Customer Surveys

  7. Reports

General settings

Go to the General Settings page

By clicking on your account icon (1), account settings (2), and then general settings (3).

Add the workspace name (4), select the time zone (5), the currency used by your online store (6), and then save the changes (7).

Adding users

To add users to your BusinessChat account, go to the Users page (1) and click on the New User button at the top of the page (2).

Fill in the user's information and assign them either a user or admin role, then select their language (1).

You can grant users the permission to manage subscriptions (2) or campaigns (3), as well as add them to teams (4).

Once done, click the Send Invite button (5), and an invitation will be sent to their entered email.

To archive a user's account, go back to the Users Settings page.

Click on the edit button for the user you want to remove, then click on Disable Account.

All active conversations for this user will be reassigned to their team members.

Creating teams

Team setup

A team is a shared inbox among multiple users, and each Business Chat account has at least one team.

To create a new team, Head to the teams page (1), click on the Add Team button (2) at the top of the page, give it a name (3), and then click the Save button (4).

To continue configuring your team, click on the Edit button (5).

Edit Team

You can also control the team settings by enabling the assignment limit feature, which helps you define the number of conversations that can be assigned to team members and set the maximum assignment count.

Force topic selection (1)

Force topic selection allows you to ensure that your team will categorize each conversation appropriately before closing a conversation.

Conversation access (2)

Conversation access allow you to control the conversations that each member can access, such as conversations assigned to them only, conversations assigned to the team only, or all conversations assigned to another team.

Team working hours (3)

Team working hours enable you to control how to handle customers who contact you outside of working hours. Simply specify the working days by toggle on the button next to the day and setting the start and end time, then save.

Members (4)

The Members feature allows you to add users to the team. By clicking on Add User and selecting the users. If you want to remove them from the team, select the employee you want to remove and click on remove from team.

The newly created team will be available within the inbox page

And if you want to remove it, simply go back to the Team Settings page and click on the Archive icon (1) next to the team you want to remove. Select a new team to reassign the active conversations to (2) and archive the team (3).

Creating topics

Topics can be used to categorize and classify customer conversations into different subjects.

To create a topic, click on the New Topic button at the top of the page.

Give it a name and click the Save button.

Of course, you can edit the name by clicking on the Edit button.

Now that you have created your topic, you can start categorizing your customer conversations (1) by clicking on the Add Topic button (2) and selecting one of the topics you have created (3).

If you assigned the wrong topic to a conversation, you can remove it by hovering over the topic tag and clicking on the bin icon.

Creating saved replies:

Saved replies save your team a lot of time and effort by helping them respond to frequently asked customer questions.

To create one, head to the saved replies page, and click on Create saved reply.

Enter a title (1) for the response and add the message content (2).

In the message, you can add custom fields (3) to personalize the response for the customer, then save it (4).

To send a saved reply, go to a conversation (1), click on the Saved replies icon (2), select the message you want to send (3), enter the value for the custom field (4), and then send it (5).

Sending customer satisfaction surveys:

You can set up the conversation rating feature by activation this feature in the chatbot:

  • Go to your chatbot then → The operator

  • Navigate to the ‘Ask for conversation rating’ section.

  • Configure your message

  • Then Enable the conversation rating survey node.


There are 3 important reports available:

Conversation Reports:

You can filter the data using dynamic filtering factors organized by teams and users. You can also filter the report to see daily, weekly, and monthly results (2).

Conversations per Status (1)

This report shows the number of conversations closed or opened by your teams to evaluate their performance.

Average resolution Time (2)

This report displays the duration it takes to respond to conversation requests within a specified period (in minutes) and provides insights into the performance of each team member.

Satisfaction Report (3)

This report presents the results of customer satisfaction surveys.

Topics Report (4)

This report shows the most frequent topics your customers engage with you about.

Contacts Report:

Number Of Active Customers

This report (2) provides an overview of the number of active customers who have actively engaged with your business. Active customers are defined as those who have sent at least one message that reached your business.

New contacts from WhatsApp

This report (3) shows the number of new contacts who have reached out to you via WhatsApp and have been added to your database. You can filter the report by time and group it by day, week, or month.

Contacts per Source

This report (4) displays the distribution of contacts based on their source, such as WhatsApp contacts, contacts manually uploaded to your account, and contacts imported from your connected applications. If you have integrated with any applications, the contacts obtained from that application will be added to a new area named after the application.

WhatsApp Consumption:

This report is available only for WhatsApp numbers activated through Facebook and includes:

Current Month Consumption

This report (2) summarizes the actual WhatsApp conversations initiated by your business and customers during the current month. The report will be filtered for:

  • Conversations initiated by your business.

  • Conversations initiated by customers.

  • Total conversations.


This report (3) displays the total number of conversations initiated. It includes data from the previous day and does not relate to the current day. You can filter this report based on the time period. To check the number of conversations for a specific date, filter the report for that day and hover over the designated point on the graph.

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