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Understanding Google Analytics' tracking parameters in campaigns
Understanding Google Analytics' tracking parameters in campaigns

BusinessChat campaigns tracking parameters.

Updated over a week ago

When you create a campaign link in BusinessChat, we will include tracking parameters to understand better where your traffic is coming from and how effective your campaign is.

BusinessChat UTM tracking parameters

1. Source (utm_source):

This identifies where the traffic is coming from, like WhatsApp, Google, or Facebook. For BusinessChat campaigns, it's automatically set to WhatsApp.

2. Medium (utm_medium):

This indicates the type of marketing, such as CPC (cost per click), banner, or newsletter. It helps you categorise your traffic. For BusinessChat campaigns, it's automatically set to Paid.

3. Campaign Name (utm_campaign):

For BusinessChat campaigns, it's automatically set to <Campaign_Name>.

4. Keyword (utm_term):

If you're running paid keyword campaigns, you can specify the keywords here.

5. Content (utm_content):

Use this to differentiate similar content or links within the same ad. It helps compare the effectiveness of different versions.

Tracking Your Campaign in Google Analytics

To track your campaign's performance in Google Analytics:

1. Go to your Google Analytics account and click "Acquisition."

2. Navigate to "Traffic Acquisition."

3. Select "Session source or medium" from the dropdown.

Look for traffic generated from the source "WhatsApp."

By appending these tracking parameters to your BusinessChat campaign link, you can analyse your campaign's performance in Google Analytics and optimise your marketing strategy accordingly.

Shopping Behavior Report

You can use the Shopping Behavior Report in Google Analytics to understand how users interact with your online store. This report provides insights into the user experience and shopping flow on your e-commerce site. You can improve your shopping experience based on this data.

💡 Tip

Consider watching a helpful video tutorial for further assistance in setting up your Shopping Behavior Report.

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